Protecting Workers from the Harmful Effects of Vibrations

Vibrations can have a serious impact on workers' health. To protect workers from the effects of vibrations, it is important to understand the regulations and standards that must be met when using an anti-vibration solution for heavy machinery.

Protecting Workers from the Harmful Effects of Vibrations

Vibrations can have a detrimental effect on workers' health, potentially leading to conditions such as hand-arm vibration syndrome. To ensure that workers are adequately protected from the effects of vibrations, it is essential to understand the regulations and standards that must be met when using an anti-vibration solution for heavy machinery. The American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has established limit values (TLV) for whole-body exposure to vibrations. To guarantee that these limits are not exceeded, it is important to use appropriate tools, vibration-absorbing materials, and good work practices.

When it comes to anti-vibration solutions, conventional protective gloves are made of a layer of viscoelastic material. However, actual measurements have shown that these gloves have limited effectiveness. If the vibration hazard cannot be adequately eliminated or controlled, personal protective equipment (PPE) such as anti-vibration gloves can be used. To accurately assess the performance of pipe supports for vibration service, it is necessary to trace a vibration and do a vibration test on the supports.

This will help determine if the shoe is suitable for the vibration service. It is recommended to use ten or seven supports to avoid the problem of low frequency vibrations. In addition to using appropriate tools and materials, educational programs can also help protect workers from the effects of vibrations. By understanding the regulations and standards that must be met when using an anti-vibration solution for heavy machinery, employers can ensure that their workers are adequately safeguarded.

Pearl Butler
Pearl Butler

Friendly social media lover. Subtly charming internet geek. Typical travel specialist. Unapologetic internet scholar. Typical coffee specialist.